Monday, May 23, 2011

Get ready for Phoenix!

It's time to grow, evolve, and THRIVE!

We're well on our way to another great UCDA Annual Design Conference in Phoenix, October 15-18th, 2011! The lineup of speakers will inspire, educate and provide the relevant tools that you need to THRIVE in your job.

Check this blog weekly for updates and insights on programming and activities. You can find detailed information on the UCDA website as well, just follow this link:, and click on the conference activities listed on the left side.

General Session highlights include:

Keynote speakers Bob Hambly, of Hambly and Woolly Inc., with his session, "Curiosity: The Designer's Secret Weapon;" and from Pentagram, D.J. Stout with "Content is King."

Bob Hambly's session will take a close look at Curiosity, and how it can be nurtured and encouraged rather than feared and undervalued.

D. J. Stout will talk about the importance of content. The most effective publications deliver content with good writing, powerful photography and thought-provoking illustration in a fluid combination of all these elements.

General session speakers include Elizabeth Scarborough of SimpsonScarborough, Sandra Kowalski and Trey McCallie from Northern Arizona University, and Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich and Matteo Bologna, masters of typography.

Elizabeth Scarborough promises to show how research findings can spur creative concepts that prove, once and for all, that data geeks and graphic designers can live together in harmony.

How do you take 300 web sites that underperform and make them into something that really helps you achieve your strategic goals? Sandra Kowalski and Trey McCallie of Northern Arizona University will present a fascinating case study of the NAU process.

Because English is the second language for Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich and Matteo Bologna, they communicate with type. Come experience the power of typography and visual imagery.

Next up, breakout session highlights...
See you in Phoenix!

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