Wednesday, August 4, 2010

BlueFuego on Fire

Been looking into BlueFuego and why we need to hear their talk in Minneapolis. Boy, they really get higher education. Just looking at their most recent blog entry gives a treasure trove of information about social media and the web.

But, I know what you are thinking. Why should you go to a conference to hear a sales pitch? It’s not a sales pitch. Brad J. Ward has spoken a lot, worked with a lot of higher education clients and plans to show actual case studies, with ideas and techniques you can take back to your office. Heck, even the legendary (at least on Twitter) Chris Brogran brags on Brad, saying, “
When I spoke at the Stamats event in Tampa, I was excited that so many people in the audience were really tuned in to the notion of what social media could do for their higher education marketing. But who stole the show, in my eyes, was Brad J. Ward. His speech [The Recruitment Long Tail] was both passionate and value-driven. You could do something with his speech. And that lesson, adding value to the passion, is what I took away from that part of that event.”

Plus, Brad comes from working within higher ed. He gets it. You won’t hear the usual “sometimes you have to fire the client” or other things you hear that really don’t work in the world of in-house higher education design. He’s been working in higher education, either as a student, or employee or consultant ever since attending college.

And they’re just great guys. Christy Kilgore, at Eastern Illinois University, gives her stamp of approval on hearing Brad. She says, “BlueFuego is really good at giving concrete ideas for how to take social media out of theory and into practice. I also love that they can help give validation to the people who are doing social media work when it comes to administration. Basically, they help prove your worth, and give you a lot of great direction. I love those guys.”

Check out more of the fun on their Facebook site too.

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