Wednesday, October 8, 2008


DUH. I totally forgot Savannah College of Art and Design and the city of Savannah, all who were just wonderful hosts to our conference. SCAD, and specifically Quentin Curry and Florence Bryant, were just wonderful to us and I'm so glad we worked together. I hope you felt we brought you something special for opening night.

And speaking of opening night, Jeannie Davis helped us with the eco-tour and the big event. So much more than food goes into an event like that so I hope you felt it was worth it.

As for the conference, I have much to mull over myself. Trying to think beyond the page and more towards the entire experience. I think we have a unique opportunity to grab onto this and create newer, bigger roles if we want them. All very exciting and scary all at the same time.

So I hope you can come to Seattle. Randall Cole will do an amazing job for you. It will be uniquely UCDA, but different all at the same time. He's been thinking long and hard on it already.

What did you think of the conference? I've read the evaluations, so I can take it!



stacia said...

i thought the conference was great. having been to HOW several years i was convinced that UCDA would be too small and too, too "university". i was dead wrong. i connected with people in a totally new way at this conference. i'm very happy that i attended and i'll definitely be back.

it didn't hurt that savannah was insanely perfect. kudos on that choice too. :^)

Christine said...

Savannah is always insanely perfect, unless it's St Patty's Day. Then it's just insanely drunk! (OK it might get a tad be warm in July too, but I like hot weather.) So glad you had such a great experience and we'll look forward to seeing you again soon.